Bone Morphogenetic Protein

Bone morphogenic protein is an isolated protein that induces specific cells in our body to form new cartilage and bone. This material is at the cutting edge of bone graft technology and can greatly improve our grafting results.

During surgery, the BMP is soaked onto and binds with a collagen sponge. The sponge is then designed to resorb, or disappear, over time. As the sponge dissolves, the bone morphogenic protein stimulates the cells to produce new bone. The BMP also goes away once it has completed its task of jump starting the normal bone healing process. 

Bone morphogenetic protein is often times used in conjunction with other bone graft materials to obtain maximum results. In some BMP grafting situations there is no need to harvest bone from the patient so recipients are spared donor site pain. Complications from the graft harvest site can also be eliminated with the use of bone morphogenic protein.   

Dr. Conquest and Dr. Cohen would be happy to discuss all grafting options with you at the time of consultation.
